THE STORY BEHIND THE ILLUSTRATIONS – PART 2 I thought it would be fun to share the stories behind my illustrations again. I am always very reluctant to do this because I want you to feel for yourself what an illustration evokes in you and can do for you. If you want to keep doing […]

The story off….

The story off… I thought it would be nice to share more about my ideas and thoughts behind my illustrations. I am always very reticent about this because I want you to feel for yourself what an illustration evokes in you and can do for you. If you want to keep doing that, don’t read […]

I burned my illustrations

I BURNED MY ILLUSTRATIONS… And I’ve never done that before. But I had to do something to give it closure. To give it a place. What exactly? I’ll explain that to you in this blog. I don’t work on commission, well. almost never then. If I really like something I sometimes want to do it. […]

saying goodbye

Saying goodbye Sometimes it is necessary to say goodbye. To say goodbye in order to grow again. I am in such a phase right now. Since I have outsourced my “package wrapping” work, space for growth is opening up. Creative growth. And I love it! But somehow that includes saying goodbye. Especially from… old products […]

Painting as therapy

Life sometimes feels too big, scares me or overwhelms me. Anxiety rears its head, hello PTSD! But fortunately, there are more and more times when PTSD fades into the background. And the crazy thing is: you can see it in the illustrations I make!     NARROWING YOUR CIRCLE VERSUS EXPANDING IT I once had […]

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